
Contribution of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Montreal International Exhibition
The exhibition section dealing with urban development was the result of a cooperative effort by the planning departments headed by Herbert Ohl und Herbert W. Kapitzki at the Ulm Hochschule für Gestaltung.
The spherical elements contain information units representing different regions.



After the land Baden-Württemberg had been founded, for the first time in 1962 the Stuttgart region – that is to say the area around the Central Neckar river– was presented as being a landscape of towns which belonged together. We developed a mobile exhibition unit consisting of a wooden structure which, together with the exhibits, could be transported in a lorry and quickly set up at the particlar exhibition site inside or outside Germany.

Exhibition „visuell“
at the Office for the Promotion of Trade and Industry, Stuttgart,
In the section called "Advertisements and Companies' Marks" some ideas, formulated in a simple language, were expressed on the meaning and limits of advertising and on the visual design of the environment.
The "On the Subject of Seeing" section gave some informative pictorial and textual examples setting forth the most recent scientific knowledge of the foundations and interrelationships of visual design. The new area of activity called "communications design" was presented for the first time.
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© Herbert W. Kapitzki, Berlin 2003 last changes: 8/12/2003